
日期:2020-05-27 16:55:39

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Tulane University School of Medicine

The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Tulane University School of Medicine is seeking applications for  Postdoctoral or visiting scholars Fellow.

The Fellow will be responsible for developing mechanism-based new technologies and approaches to detect and measure biomarkers associated with important human diseases and to employ these methods to analyze samples from animal models of human disease and human subjects to test and validate their performance.

Successful applicants are expected to join Professor Tony Y. Hu’s research group and participate in projects funded by NIAID, NICHD, NIBIB and DOD.

Responsibilities:Will include design and execution of experiments using the following techniques: nanomaterial design and fabrication, biosensor development, nanopore sequencing, cell culture, protein and exosome purification, mass spectrometry operation, and most standard laboratory assays and procedures including WB, IP, cell proliferation/growth, and ELISA;

1、The abililty to develop and validate new technologies and approaches to detect and measure disease biomarkers using mass spectrometry;

2、The ability to organize and maintain sample repositories; analyze data; prepare data charts and present experimental findings.

Additionally the selected candidate will be expected to review manuscripts, draft new manuscripts, and write reviews or book articles, as well as grant applications.

Qualifications include a recent Ph.D. in any field of biosensor, nanotechnology, nanopore sequencing (specially for peptide identification), mass spectrometry, exosome isolation and quantification, proteomics or related field, with demonstrated skills in analytical chemistry, protein chemistry, peptide sequencing, MALDI, LC-MS/MS.

Interested candidates are welcome to visit -https://medicine.tulane.edu/departments/hulaboratory if interested please forward CV to tonyhu@tulane.edu and apply online using the following Interfolio link:



成立于1834年的杜兰大学(Tulane University),是一所世界顶级的私立研究型大学,位于美国南部路易斯安那州(Louisiana)国际著名商业港口及南部文化名城新奥尔良市(New Orleans),是美国一所历史悠久的著名私立大学,为北美顶尖大学联盟AAU(北美62所研究型大学联盟,包括美国60所,加拿大2所)成员。

2020年US News全美综合排名为第40名。US NEWS“2013年进步最快大学的报告”中排名第12位。



杜兰大学治学严谨,对学生要求严格,其商学院、法学院、医学院更是在各自领域内名列前茅, 闻名遐迩。







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